Crystal Container Submenu


Only administrators can access the Crystal Container submenu.

The Crystal Container submenu is where you can define pucks and dewars. Accessible from the Setup menu setup, the Crystal Container submenu comprises two sections: Dewar Definition and Puck Definition.

Crystal Container Submenu

Crystal Container Submenu

Dewar Definition Section

You can add dewars in this section.

Dewar Definition Section

Dewar Definition Section




Add add

Allows you to add a dewar.

Checkbox next to the Dewar Name field checkbox

Enables you to select a dewar. A newly added dewar will have this field automatically checked.

Dewar Name

Allows you to name a dewar.

Puck Count

Allows you to fill in the number of pucks a dewar can hold.


Lists your dewar as an option when you assign a crystal to a synchrotron trip. A newly added dewar will have this field automatically checked.

Delete delete

Allows you to delete a dewar.

Puck Definition Section

You can add pucks in this section.

Puck Definition Section

Puck Definition Section




Add add

Allows you to add a puck.

Checkbox next to the Dewar Name field checkbox

Enables you to select a puck. A newly added puck will have this field automatically checked.

Puck Name

Allows you to name a puck.


Allows you to type a puck’s barcode number.

Puck Type

Allows you to select a puck type. ROCK MAKER includes SPINE Puck, Uni Puck, ACTOR Puck, SSLR Puck, and ALS Puck.

Pin Count

Displays the number of pins in the selected puck. This field is automatically filled once you select a puck type.


Lists your puck as an option when you assign a crystal to a synchrotron trip. A newly added puck will have this field automatically checked.

Delete delete

Allows you to delete a puck.

The Crystal Container submenu has two buttons in the top bar to assist you when working with Dewar Definition and Puck Definition sections.

  • Save button save allows you to save changes.

  • Discard button discard allows you to cancel changes.

To find out how to define pucks and dewars, go to Defining Pucks and Dewars.

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