Administrator and User Setup¶
The ROCK MAKER Setup located on the Application Menu consists of several options for users and administrators, such as Page Setup, User Management, Group Management, and Global Preferences. If you are an administrator, you have access to set up accounts for all individuals who will be using ROCK MAKER and ROCK MAKER Web.
User access to projects, screens, and other areas can be controlled by assigning users to groups that have been assigned certain access rights.
Besides managing users, the Setup menu also allows an administrator to set the global preferences, and enables users to set the page margins.

Setup for Administrator

Setup for User
The Setup menu is divided into four major sections:
Page Setup contains settings to adjust your Page Margins.
User Management contains settings to manage users, such as: create new users, delete users, change passwords, reset passwords, add users to join group membership, remove user membership, and manage user access rights.
Group Management contains settings to manage groups, such as: create new groups, delete groups, edit memberships, and manage group access rights.
Global Preferences contains settings which will be applied only if you do not set up your own preferences or are not assigned to any group(s).
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